Ski school Yetti Rokytnice nad Jizerou

Accommodation in the Giant mountains Season 2023 -2024

YETTI SKI TEAM wish you a lot of fun and pleasant sport advantures in the winter season 2023- 2024.

We teach a down-hill skiing with racing elements in accordance with the most modern methods and of course we adapt it to age and skills of each client. The guarantee of the best quality of our lessons are our skilled instructors with state or international licenses and indeed a satisfaction of our clients. We teach in english, german and polish languanges.


Logo CSLSČeský svaz lyžařských škol
Český svaz lyžařůČeský svaz

You can improve in a lot of kinds of skiing: f.e. carving, skiing with racing elements, freestyle and telemark. VIP teaching „Improve your style“. You can order lessons with a videorecording and an analysis of your technique. For children we have a kindergarten with a funicle lift. Snowboarding from beginnings to snowparks with jumps. For fans of cross-country skiing we offer lessons when you can improve your skills in classic and skating or just trips to mountains. At the end of every week we arrange races in which you can win a lot of valuable prizes. We believe that our instructors will be pleasant partners during your holiday.
Take advantage of our experience and go with us into the 34st season. 

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Weather forecast
-4 °C
-3 °C
0 °C
(c) 2007-2025 Lyžařská škola Yetti, Design by Lukas Hladík