Rokytnice nad Jizerou - Contacts

Office: Ski school Yetti and Ski rental 
Hotel HELENA, Horní 60, Rokytnice nad Jizerou
IČ: 43051251

Contact person: Petr Prokůpek
Tel.: +420 731 651 414


Rokytnice nad Jizerou: Winter season: from 15.12.2024 to 31.03.2025.   
OPEN - DAILY from 08.45  to 17.00   on Friday from 08.45 to 18.00   on Saturday from 08.45 to 20.00   
An Orientation will be easier with a map where are specified the Hotel HELENA nad the Ski school YETTI‘s office.Mapa Rokytnice nad Jizerou - skischool Yetti google maps,

Arrival to Rokytnice nad Jizerou

The recommended route from Prague
Along the highway E65 to Turnov, then take the direction to Železný Brod, Tanvald, Kořenov, and in front of Harrachov turn to the right to Jilemnice direction and along Jizera to Paseky nad Jizerou..
The recommended route from Liberec
From Liberec to Jablonec nad Nisou, Tanvald and then take the direction. Tanvald, Kořenov, and in front of Harrachov turn to the right to Jilemnice direction and along Jizera to Paseky nad Jizerou..  
The recommended route from Hradec Králové
From Hradec Králové take the direction to Jičín, Nová Paka, Horka u Staré Paky, Studenec, Jilemnice, Jablonec nad Jizerou and Paseky nad Jizerou.

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Weather forecast
-4 °C
-3 °C
0 °C
(c) 2007-2025 Lyžařská škola Yetti, Design by Lukas Hladík